Markets historically compensate investors for the risks they take – but a long-term time horizon is needed.
It’s easy to get spooked by market downshifts and easy to think that playing the market is your best path to financial security.
This short-sighted emotional reaction typically costs you in the long run:
Over the 20 years ending in 2018, the average equity fund investor underperformed the S&P 500 by 174 basis points. (DALBAR 2018 Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior).
Markets historically compensate investors for the risks they take, but a long-term time horizon is needed.
We’re committed to seeking these rewards through the calm, disciplined approach of strategic investing.
While each of our portfolios represents a different angle in the market, each is designed with the long game in mind.
Ours is a rational, steady hand – with the goal of maximum financial returns.